Thursday 22 November 2012

Passing Through

Have you ever wanted to watch some blurry, slowed-down footage of building work shot through a train window?  NOW'S YOUR CHANCE.

That's James Street's platform 1, currently being transformed into a gleaming white paradise.  As you can see, all the brown plastic seating has gone, along with the yellow formica walls, and there are plenty of workmen milling about.  Meanwhile, if you look at platform 2, there are piles of new cladding waiting to be installed.

On a related note: poor James Street.  Central got a whole website devoted to its works, along with competitions and posters where the station talked to you.  James Street's just got an adjusted network map and that's about it.


Marke said...

Its a shame they can't restore it to former Victoria spender. It would have been nice if they removed the brown plastic to find original tiles.

Dan said...

Please please tell me they aren't going to touch platform 2

Anonymous said...

@Marke Well consider this platform was built in 1977 no, they can't!

Marke said...

Silly me, I thought they were doing the Birkenhead bound platform.

Scott Willison said...

Platform 2 is very safe. It's just being used for storage.

I discovered that if I'd waited 24 hours I could have filmed actual white bits on the walls but there you go.

Marke, the Birkenhead platform will be in the new year. Sadly I think the money will pay for white panelling rather than a restoration of what's gone.