Wednesday 16 November 2011

Rolling With My Homie

It's been a long morning.  That meeting went well, but there's another one to come.  You've got to cross the river on a train and then get going businesslike all over again.  All you want to do is kick back and relax with a roll-up.  You want to step out of that station and start sucking away on the nicotine as soon as you can.

The solution?  Start rolling on the train.  That empty seat gives you plenty of room to spread your papers around.  Keep a good grip as the train bumps over the tracks though or you'll be chucking Golden Virginia all over the floor.

Well done.  You'll be full of tobacco before the door of Hamilton Square slams behind you.


Anonymous said...

More pictures of the virginia man please! He is outstanding!

Dan said...

Looks more like a pouch of Drum that does