Wednesday 19 December 2007

Map! The Third

And here's where we are right now - not doing badly, really. But doing the City Line means suddenly I have a massive wad of uncollected stations! Damn!


Anonymous said...

I'll be seeing you at Wavertree Technology Park*! Woo!

(*not much of a park. But you should come down and look at the botanical park a short walk away while you're here. And maybe take a few pictures of our condemned pub collection, we've got plenty.)

Scott Willison said...

Condemned pubs - what a depressing thought! I always hate it when boozers close...

Anonymous said...

It's a bit of a shame, yeah.

The Botanic's been almost completely destroyed now. They've been taking a storey off every couple of months...

Anonymous said...

31May2024 - Southern California - accidently found your blog - and find it fascinating. I've never been to your country but in 2010 was in Germany after Israel.

I lived in NY and worked in NYC and that subway system was horrible ... and probably continues to be.

For obvious reasons, there is no underground in California.

Keep having fun and sharing.

Must be Anonymous because I can't remember my password!
